Monday, January 14, 2008

A Note on Corporate Donations

The two leading Democrats are hardly clean on this front:

Securities and Investment
Hillary: $4.7 million
Obama: $4.5 million
Romney(the quintessential corporate candidate): $3.6 million

Commercial Banks
Hillary: $935,000
Obama: $865,000
Romney: $600,000

Big Pharma
Hillary: $269,000
Obama: $262,000
Romney: $260,000

Hedge Fund and Private Equity
Hillary: $980,000
Obama: $976,000
Romney: $947,000

For all the acrimony about Hillary or Obama being the "Corporate Candidate" they both have a good claim to it.

1 comment:

Enviro said...

BQ, where did you get the info on corporate donations? Very interesting. Also you don't mention how Obama has gotten lots from the nuclear power industry.

P.s. I love Madison. Great city.