Okay, I've decided to make it clear why I don't like Mitt Romney. I believe this is a man who believes he can say anything at all and there's always the trusting 30-35% of people who will believe it. He also knows that's enough to win the nomination if he can get that much of the vote.
Let me enumerate his various cynical positions over time.
1. Abortion. The big one of modern American politics. Everyone has a position. Mitt Romney has had many. In 1994 he gave an impassioned defense of abortion rights in which he not only firmly stated he supported Roe v Wade, but told a personal story of a close family friend who died due to an illegal abortion. Heartwrenching and personal. He still maintained this position in 2002 when he ran for governor of Massachusetts. Now he says that sometime in his late 50s, this guy whose moral compass is supposed to be so clear, shifted all at once on this issue just in time to run for president. Huh? Who actually believes that? No personal revelation this time, just "I saw a bill pertaining to abortion and I said...geee....maybe I'm pro-life now." What a crock.
2. Gun control. Mittens was always big for gun control in Massachusetts in 1994 and 2002. He supported the Brady Bill and Massachusetts gun laws in general both times. Then, in 2006, he joined the NRA. That's awfully convenient isn't it? Right before you run for the Republican nomination?
3. Change. He never talked about it before Iowa, well not much anyway. Politicians, particularly unprincipled ones, say an awful lot so they can claim they were talking about anything. Suddenly, after the media declared that "change" was the theme of the campaign, what does he talk about non-stop? You guessed it.
4. Michigan jobs. Mitt here knew the #1 issue in Michigan was the economy and that the Detroit area would be where the state was decided. The auto-jobs are gone and not coming back even if sales ramped up again. They will never have the market shares they used to. Mitt knows this. However, he decides to go into the Detroit suburbs and lie like a rug. It worked beautifully as he won those counties with more than 40% of the vote, but it was a dirty lie.
I can go on and on. The guy is unprincipled beyond belief. He always positions himself with the majoritarian positions in any race he is running in. He never takes a minority position on anything. I'll at least give Bush some credit on that one. He's slightly less dishonest than Romney, but that's not saying much.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
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