Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Biggest Loser of the Night: Romney

This guy lost and lost bad. I can't find one state he won that I didn't expect. He spent up to $28 million on those ads prior to Super Tuesday and got creamed. I'm glad Huckabee and McCain got together to do him in in West Virginia. That was terrific.

Romney needed California badly and actually got creamed there largely among the Latino and Asian voters as well as moderates and liberals. His attempt to repackage himself as a conservative just isn't fooling enough people no matter how Rush Limbaugh tries to vouch for him.

I would write more, but I stayed up to 3 watching results so I need some rest. This was the one result I can be happy with for sure.

1 comment:

AM Donkey said...

Looks like you can finally eat your celebratory cake... the RomRod is out of the race.